dm+d corner
Posted in News
In early May, dm+d added a new virtual product for Adept® Adhesion Reduction irrigation solution and all identifiable Trust records for this item have been mapped. The addition of this secondary-care only product to dm+d allows Trusts to track and compare their spend on this item.
This product has the brand name Pentaglobin® and is imported from the United States. It differs from the normal immunoglobulin licensed in Europe in that it is enriched in IgM which, the manufacturer states, makes it unique in the elimination of infectious pathogens and neutralisation of their endo- and exotoxins.
It has been assigned the ATC code for intravascular immunoglobulins and so will be included in any reports run using the ATC code or BNF category. It is not included on the list of High Cost Drugs and thus will not be included in any reports for Passthrough costs or Non-Pbr drugs.
In the last newsletter in May we highlighted the changes to dm+d that removed the virtual medicinal product ‘lubricant gels’ and replaced these with new records necessitating mapping the brand (AMP).
Trusts are reminded that in order to smooth their way to costings and volume analysis their drug description should include the name of the brand used.