2023/24 Financial Savings Opportunities
Posted in Announcement, News
Rx-info has been supporting NHSE to identify potential savings through secondary Care. This follows on from the National Medicines Optimisation Opportunities 2023/24(*)
Rx-info is identified as a resource to support implementation when monitoring antibiotic treatment
Additionally the Exend+ software is being used to audit “Better Value Procurement” (BVP) to understand the reasons for Trusts buying off contract or through an alternate contract.
The savings to the NHS in the first month of launch have been significant.
To assist NHS Trusts, Rx-info has released a node within Define and Refine to monitor
- the use of direct acting oral anticoagulants (DOACs)
- The report in Define shows the cost and the Cost per DDD for the different chemicals (Apixaban, Rivaroxaban, Edoxaban and Dabigatran etexilate.
- Blood strips cost by actual product
- Showing the actual cost against each brand
- Ranibizumab intravitreal injection cost by actual product
- Showing the actual cost against each brand
Blood Glucose Testing
* National Medicines Optimisation Opportunities 2023/24