Antimicrobial updates
Posted in News
To help trusts monitor antimicrobial use we have created four new Tags and two new reports based on the AWaRe Essential Medicines List. The reports can be found under the Antimicrobial prescribing node in Define® and individual trusts can investigate in more detail by continuing the report in Refine®.
The standard antimicrobial reports found under the CQUIN section in Define® and Refine® use the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification (ATC) code of J01 which contains all antimicrobials for systemic use. Should you wish to include individual antimicrobials such as oral vancomycin and fidaxomicin which are not included in the ATC category of J01 then these will need to be added individually using the ATC codes A07AA12 for fidaxomicin and A07AA09 for oral vancomycin under the Filters section of the report.
A revision to the Monthly Activity Return data set was published by NHS England on the 8th February 2018. The revised figures (which are used to calculate admission rates in Define® and Refine®) are minor and are unlikely to vastly affect any reports using this data. However, we would like to make all users aware of any potential changes in figures.