Author: Colin Richman
Rx-info honoured to receive David Samways award
Posted in Announcement, News
Rx–info has been presented with the David Samways Award by the Procurement and Distribution Interest Group, part of the Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists.
Central ePACT data
Posted in Announcement, News, Publications
Rx–Info Ltd and the NHSBSA (Business Service Authority) have been working together for many years to establish a centralised data capture for the secondary care ePACT data.
Together, we are pleased to announce that the centralised capture and load to the Rx–info systems will take this evening!
Please note that the system will be down from 17:00 18/01/2023 until 08:00 19/1/2023 to allow for the update and data to be processed. Reporting will not be available during this time.
Refine and Exend stock reports are likely to be a day in arrears until 20/1/23 when the processing will have caught up again.