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RX-Info Author: Sophie Leach

Author: Sophie Leach

26 July 2022

Rx-info on ITV news

Posted in News, Publications

Following on from the Richard Hey report on the activities of Rxinfo in supporting the NHS, ITV Westcountry News picked up on the report and came to interview us. The full news report is here. Copyright: ITV News.


9 June 2022

Define Training

Posted in Uncategorized

We are currently planning some training sessions.


9 July 2021

Rx-info 2021

Posted in Publications


11 June 2021

EmBox Software

Posted in News

Embox is a product in the Rxinfo portfolio which is designed to enable reliable and rapid identification and tracking of the expiration dates, batch numbers and locations of emergency drug boxes in a hospital. The easytouse internetbased software allows the users to considerably reduce time required to fill, record and track emergency drug boxes resulting in a process which uses an intelligent autofill feature to efficiently enter date. This is much faster than the traditional time intensive paperbased system used in most pharmacy systems.


6 May 2021

Rx-info Training 2021

Posted in News, Publications

We are pleased to announce this years Rxinfo training sessions, for NHS system users. Given the current situation with Covid19, we are following advice and not travelling around the country this year and will again be offering virtual online sessions instead because the feedback from last year was excellent. In 2020, we trained more people than the previous 6 years put together ensuring that we are reaching more pharmacists and enabling more people to understand and get value from the system.


2 April 2020

Exend: Medicines stock levels in secondary care

Posted in News, Publications

Pharmacy software specialists Rx Info Ltd have developed a stock level reporting system  Exend for all medicines that are processed through hospital pharmacy systems each day. 


20 December 2019

Technical Issues

Posted in News


6 December 2019

Server Outage

Posted in News


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