Defining moments: COVID, Brexit and Antimicrobial Stewardship
Posted in Announcement, News, Publications
An evaluation of how Rx-info software supports the NHS

In an important new report by Richard Hey, BPharm (Hons), Trust Chief Pharmacists and medicines procurement specialists say that Rx-info’s software has been recognised by NHS colleagues as a key resource supporting them through the COVID-19 pandemic response, and believe on-going access to that software will be essential to manage future medicines supply-chain issues.
Richard, a Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and former Chief Pharmacist for Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, has evaluated how medicines optimisation data, designed and supplied by Rx-info, is used in NHS hospitals.
His report, Defining moments: COVID, Brexit and Antimicrobial Stewardship; An evaluation of how Rx-info software supports the NHS, can be read here.
Among his recommendations are that:
- Contract monitoring software Exend+ licensing at UK national levels should be pursued at the earliest opportunity;
- The use of Exend, which monitors stock levels, should be maintained post-COVID for enhanced supply-chain transparency;
- Initiatives supported by Rx-info’s Define and Refine software around AMR should be progressed urgently.
Richard concludes: “The experience of EU Exit and COVID-19 pandemic planning has demonstrated the necessity of having sophisticated stock monitoring and forecasting systems available to medicines procurement specialists at all levels of the NHS with more work required to mainstream the co-operation, and extend supply chain stock transparency, between the medicines supply chain partners which developed during the COVID-19 mobilisation.”