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NHS England has updated the High Cost Drugs list for the financial year 2016-17. Unlike 2015-16, this is a single list without the extended tariff option that was available in the last financial year. The complete list of high cost drugs for 2016-17 can be found here. From the list of options presented, select Annex A: 2016/17 National prices and national tariff workbook to download an Excel spreadsheet of the complete list.
A new Define Tag has been created for the 2016-17 list, and at the same time the Tags for Non-PbR drugs and Pass-through costs have been updated to reflect the new list.
The Tags for the drug groups included on the list (for example, NHSE – Drugs used in neutropenia) have been updated to reflect the 2016-17 list. The Tags for High Cost Drugs list ETO 2015-16 and High Cost Drugs list 2014-15 are still available to allow previous years’ analyses.
For reporting against Health Resource Group (HRG) drug listing, an alternative grouping of high cost drugs is used and this grouping can be identified as the tags beginning XD.
The sum of all the XD list of drugs can be found as the Tag HCD summary. NB: the clinical groupings used in the two systems are not identical and the tags cannot be used interchangeably.