New flags to help track spending
Posted in News
Dm+d will not be able to provide full coverage of some items, such as patient-specific TPN bags, or does not intend to add others, but instead to rely on underlying SNOMED codes, such as radiopharmaceuticals.
Such products can be expensive, and so to help you retrieve specific information relating to their use Rx-info has created a number of new flags.
Selecting a Flag as the drug filter in Define will enable Trusts to track their use of items linked to that Flag. The new Flags are:
- Allergy test for skin prick and patch tests
- Medical gases
- Radio pharmaceuticals.
These are in addition to exiting flags for:
- Clinical trial
- Consumable
- Diagnostic agent
- Homeopathic
- Over-labelled
- Passthrough costs
- Unlicensed.