Rarely used medicines and poisoning antidotes
Posted in News
The Regional Medicines Optimisation Committee (RMOC) issued a position statement on rarely used and urgent medicines (RUUM list) in June 2019 and a summary can be found here.
Within Define® there is a preauthored set of reports that support the list for all items on the list and for each individual drug. The RMOC paper includes a comprehensive user guide for all on-call and out-of-hours pharmacy staff to be able to access the reports to enable prompt procurement of these items.
Note that all on-call and out-of-hours staff are required to ensure that they have immediate access to Define®.
This new national list of rarely used and urgent medicines specifically excludes antidotes to poisoning, but the list prepared by the Royal College of Emergency Medicines and the National Poisons Information Services in 2017 remains current.
Three new Tags have been created for this new list based on the degree of urgency (immediately available, available within 1 hour, available within 4 hours). There are also reports within Define® for these Tags under Safety.