Sir Vince Cable MP visits Rx-info

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Liberal Democrats Leader and former Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, Sir Vince Cable met with fast-growth businesses at Exeter Science Park on 27th October, as part of a visit to the South West to discuss its booming science and technology sector.
Rx-info, company director Colin Richman, presented to Sir Vince and discussed the company’s growth and the challenges it faces moving forward, as a company and within the region as a whole.
Colin explained: “Although our company has grown rapidly in recent years, there are a number of challenges that we may face in our next stage of growth.
“The access to high-quality talent is a primary concern for many companies in the region, as we see graduates leaving Exeter to go to bigger cities. We also need to access to infrastructure that facilitates IP development, such as transport, high bandwidth internet and development hubs with affiliations to academia, health and technology.”
Colin added: “We were pleased to share our company story with Sir Vince – who was impressed with the fact that our software is now used by 97% of NHS Trusts – and he can now take some of these challenges back to Parliament to address.”
Rx-info, presented to Sir Vince Cable alongside other tenants and Exeter Science Park CEO, Dr Sally Basker.
Dr Basker said: “We were thrilled to welcome Sir Vince to the Science Park, not only to discuss our progress and visions for the future of the site, but also our mission to support and engage with the wider region.
“We’re looking to put the South West on the map as a centre of excellence, with the Science Park hosting and connecting innovative companies, however there are a number of challenges that we need to address to deliver our vision for extraordinary growth.
“A key challenge for us in the region is how the South West as a brand is often distorted by figures from cities such as Bath and Bristol, meaning that we may not attract the businesses and talent that we need. We were keen to discuss with Sir Vince how we can work as a whole to improve this for the future.”